Harbor Freight is a great place to get some cheap tools, but this fake circular sums it up. hehe
Author Archives: John Hoyt
John M. Hoyt Photography Page Added
I knew you couldn’t contain yourself any longer and was dying to know more about my photography hobby so I setup a new page here (see the link up there that says PHOTOGRAPHY? CLICK IT) with a little bit of information.
I’m considering expanding my horizons and taking on projects for potential monetary purposes. I figure I have invested all this money into professional quality gear, I might as well try to become a “professional”.
Though my work has been published in various magazines, ezines, newspapers and newsletters, as well as dozens of people using my shots as their facebook profile pics and banners, that doesn’t make me a professional. What does? Besides being paid for what you do, I think it must be the time devoted.
I’ve certainly kicked that time investment up a notch! Spending many hours a week working on the craft, reading about tricks of the trade and then applying them.
My new quest is for actual models, which I have never worked with before. Oh sure, I’ve shot people left and right, but never in an actual “photo shoot”, where everything is planned out in advance, a theme selected, lighting accounted for, location scouted and secured, etc.
I’ll try to post here as we move towards that. It should be this month (October 2012).
Wish me luck! And thanks so much to my more than patient and supporting family!
Brett Albertson Easley High School Football Player of the Week over on Patch site
Here’s a link to the picture of Brett Albertson, Easley High School Center #75 at the Easley Touchdown Club meeting where he received the “Player of the Week” for his part in the Daniel vs Easley game.
Though credit is given to Jason Evans, actually, Pamela Hoyt was the photographer.
Tonight it’s Easley HS vs Laurens at Easley. Go Green Wave!
Brett Albertson, Easley football center #75 selected as Scholar-Athlete! #Easley #ProudParents
More Easley Football fun on the Hoyts.org blog!
Our son, Brett Albertson, who is the Easley High School Green Wave center, #75, was selected as Glenco Foam / WMYA-40 Scholar-Athlete for the first week of their 2012 program!
Brett’s not just a football player, he’s amazingly smart too! Guess you can tell we are proud of him!
At the end of the season, they will select a student to receive a scholarship prize. Sure would be awesome if Brett were to be chosen!
Next up, determining what university has the most to offer Brett… So far, he has been invited as a recruit to Furman and Citadel. Brett is interested in engineering, so both of these schools have something other than football as a draw. Admittedly, Citadel is has an edge regarding their school of engineering.
Any thoughts or comments?
A busy week for our boy, Brett Albertson, EHS Center #75

Brett with Mom (Pamela Hoyt)
No rest for our son, Brett…
For those who don’t know, he’s the center for the Easley High School varsity football team, so it goes without saying that his week is filled with excitement, from the normal workout and practice routine, to the Friday night games, in addition to the weekly academic grind.
However, over the last week, Easley has played a major rival team (Wren), which Easley dominated 48-13, and earlier on Friday, Brett and Pamela attended the Easley Touchdown Club meeting where Brett was presented with the “Player of the Week” award for the incredible skill he demonstrated at the Daniel game!
On Saturday, August 8th, still exhausted from the Wren game the night before, Brett woke up at 6:30 and headed out to take the ACT, then as soon as he got home, we loaded the car and headed to Furman University where he had been invited to attend the Coastal Carolina game and tour the school as a recruit. In spite of the torrential rains, he stuck it out and had a great time, and learned a bit more about Furman.
Just a week ago, Brett traveled several hours to Charleston, SC to attend a game there as a recruit at the Citidel after playing the night before.
He’s also been interviewed on TV and listed and interviewed as the WMYA MY 40 “Scholar Athlete of the Week” a couple weeks back and we finally received that footage on DVD just the other day. We didn’t get to see it as we were at the game as they aired it, so we had to order it.
BTW: Easley is 4 and 0. You might want to check out a game to see the powerhouse in action.
Welcome to the new Hoyts.org
The Hoyts.org web site has been in need of a refresh for a while, so this is the start of it.
I setup WordPress, because it rocks, and have started building a little content on here…. If you think THIS site sucks, you should have seen the old one!
Stay tuned for more exciting stuff!